
What are we all about?

Hi there!

Thank you for finding us and being interested enough to look around on our website. We hope we’ve impressed you so far… But for those still skeptical and unsure. You might be wondering who we are and what we do.

In short, we’re just coffee fanatics like all of you. Always trying new coffees, getting the best recipe and enjoying a Bru together.

But before we started JustBru the country had been 7 weeks into the COVID-19 lockdown, and we could see, that all of our barista and coffee lover friends were missing their coffee shops, just wanting to get back into discovering coffee. We could see we were incredibly lucky to have each other, and it must be quite difficult to remain inspired without having somebody else to bounce off of!

So we thought we bring the excitement back, share our experience of sharing coffee together by creating a service which gives people variety without having to think. And also might be able to offer a community vibe that gives people a place to share coffee! 2 coffees a month, that’s 24 new coffees you could have tried by the end of a year!

We care about ease of access to really good quality coffee to anybody who makes coffee at home and we want to support all the roasters that we love by showing them off to our subscribers!

Our service aims to remove a lot of the noise surrounding speciality coffee and put it in one easy package, just for you.

We love our roasters!

It’s important to us that we would never white label any of the bags received in our boxes. This is for a number of reasons: We want to show off our chosen roasters as much as possible, and we do this by paying a premium on coffee that the roaster has bagged for us in retail sized bags for you to enjoy at home. This generates more valuable income for the roaster, who has worked hard to produce the perfect profile for that coffee. We also want to shine a light on what the roaster has chosen to highlight on their bags (Their website, social media or stories about the producer for example) as they will always showcase the journey from seed to cup better than us.

For us, the future of coffee is about transparency and traceability and we thank you for joining us on our journey.

Responsible sourcing

Our values connected to the environment carry right over to our values when it comes to sourcing our coffees.

We strive to be a service that ensures you get coffee from roasters that have a large focus on ethical sourcing. So we choose our monthly coffees carefully with this in mind

We also love a coffee with a good story and we want you to understand where the coffee is coming from to help you connect more with what comes in your monthly package.

Information about how your coffee gets into your box will be published in our fortnightly newsletters and a lot on our social media.

We want this to be QUALITY!

When you receive your box, you can be sure we’ve tried and tested it to the max and made sure it’s worth your while!

We will use methods like cupping and try all brewing methods before they get to you to ensure the quality is as good as we want it to be!

To assure you that we are trusted as a source for quality checking. Heres a bit of info about us:


I’ve spent several years as a barista and head of coffee, have also won 11 barista competitions and coached participants competing at national level. In recent years I founded a speciality coffee podcast called Filtered Thoughts and have supported the advertising campaigns of many large brands such as Alpro, Oatly, Sage Appliances and Niche.


I have spent time working in a highly stated speciality roastery where I learnt how to critique flavour, balance and profile of coffee through regular cupping and tasting sessions.. With our head roaster being a certified Q grader, I spent the time soaking up a lot of knowledge about coffee from its raw green form to the cup. I also then worked as a barista to understand more about actually serving coffee and getting from it it’s full potential.