Don’t Bru over it. Just ask. :)


Why should I order a subscription from you and not just order directly from my usual roaster?

We don’t want to discourage you from ordering from your roaster if you have a favourite - BUT... The main reason for using us instead is that you get the excitement of using a new roaster every month and discovering new coffee all the time, without having to deal with the overwhelming choice there is.

Do I have to order every month?

Nope! - The order is automatically renewed for you every month once you’ve signed up :)

Can I give a subscription as a gift?

Yes! If you know the details for the person you can send it directly to them using your email (so they don’t find out!) . Or you can send it to yourself and then once the gift has been received we can change the details on the account for you. Just email us on

We also have a gift card option which is perfect as a gift :) Just add it to your next order.

I’m not sure i’ll be home for my delivery. Can I request for my delivery to go to my workplace?

Yes of course! Just put your delivery address as your work address.

Can I request what coffees I want in my subscription?

Unfortunately we can’t take direct requests as we do work with different roasters all the time. But you can always give us feedback by emailing us and we can try to tailor the coffee we order to those requirements!

Can I change my subscription?

Of course! Because we are a contractless service, you can make unlimited changes to your subscription, up to 11:59pm on the 21st of every month. Any changes made after this time will simply take effect the following month.

What if I'm going away? Can I pause my subscription?

Yes - Just let us know what dates you plan to be away and we’ll cancel the relevant orders, or if you’re feeling generous you can always give it to someone else who might use it that month and we can change the delivery address for that order :)

Is your delivery always free? Or is there a minimum charge?

Our subscription BruBoxes automatically come with free delivery. The only time we ever charge for delivery is if you are purchasing from our retail webshop and the basket total is less than £30.

Where do you deliver to? Can I receive a box from outside the UK?

As a brand new and small company. We currently are only able to deliver to the UK and Republic of Ireland. But with any increase in demand we will be looking to expand into other countries.

Will my subscription fit through my letterbox?

Unfortunately with the nature of the size of coffee bags, we can’t guarantee the package will fit in your letterbox.

Do I need to be home for my delivery?

If you are not likely to be home for your delivery, we recommend considering delivery to your workplace. You can leave delivery instructions at the checkout, but we cannot guarantee these will be fulfilled, as they are at the discretion of our delivery agent.

Can I look at what my next subscription will contain so I can choose if i want the next one?

We want to make it a surprise! So we don’t usually tell you what the coffees will be until we’ve already ordered it. We will however spend the second half of each month telling you about the roasters we’ve chosen so you can know where the coffee is coming from. So you’re not totally left in the dark.

How can I be sure i’ll like the coffee in my subscription?

We only send out the coffees we have extensively tested! We’re sure that if you appreciate a good Bru then this won’t be an issue. However we understand that some people prefer certain taste notes/origins so we try to get a good variety out there to keep everyone happy :) We include a detailed, unique Bru guide with every delivery to make sure you get the best out of your coffee. And we are of course only a message or email away if you have any questions!

What if I like both filter and espresso?

The roasters we use for our filter and espresso boxes tend to use a roast profile which means they work for both. The filter BruBoxes are more likely to suit if you don’t like a more intense filter as the espresso bags will usually be more tailored specifically for that purpose.

We would recommend using the filter BruBox if you’re planning to try both!

I wasn't a fan of the coffee in my last subscription. How can I make sure this doesn’t happen again?

We are sorry you didn’t appreciate that one… Just send us a message on either our social media or email and we can put it on our records so we can start to individualise your BruBox in future! We want to make it yours so we will try as hard as we can to get it right for you!